lördag 25 september 2010


IB quotes som jag antar bara är roliga om man går IB...men jag delar med mig av några ändå:

I used to have a life. Then I started cheating on it with IB, and me and life got a divorce.

IB a nerd today, IB your boss tomorrow

The advantages of having an IB friend.

  1. You feel good about your life.
  2. When procrastinating and working at 3am, you know a friend shares the same pain

at a Party:

  • Non IB-student: Awesome party! I thought you guys would just say things like "the square root of 21 is..."
  • IB-student: Haha, no!
  • Silence.
  • IB-student: But there is no square root of 21.


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